Thursday, February 23, 2012

Getting Started...

So here we are. Challenge number one. Getting started is the challenge for me. I am actually nervous. Some of you may ask why am I doing this publicly, well I need to challenge myself publicly to get it done I think, and just stop thinking about it.

Believe me I have run it over and over in my head, why am I not meeting someone, why do I not get approached, blah blah blah. I am reminded by friends and family that I am bright, ambitious, pretty, funny, yada yada yada. (Notice I had to mention "others tell me the following...", that is part of the issue in itself, me not believing some of that). But besides all that, I am out all the time, I attend so many events, I network like crazy, I talk shop the whole time, I am here and there all night. Otherwise I am at home or the office, working. (Like I am right now, lol)

There is a lot more to me than the world I work in, (oil & gas, fashion and art). And I am looking for others who can connect outside that world but can respect my work world too.

Anyway, some of this blog idea also came together because I am currently reading The Artist's Way right now with my Art Group and I am supposed to have a date with myself once a week. Haven't quite got there yet, I'll be honest and say that I am a week overdue for my 1st artist date, so now I have to get two done before we meet next.

What is an Artist Date? (As the book explains) "An Artist Date is a block of time perhaps two hours weekly, especially set aside and committed to nurturing your creative consciousness, your inner artist. This date is an excursion, a play date that you pre plan and defend against all interlopers.You can not take anyone on this artist date but you and your inner artist, a.k.a. your creative child." (page 18, if you would like to read more about this.)

Another reason I am writing this blog, a friend pointed out to me, in fact so has my son, that there are men out there but I am not paying attention, or even giving them a sign to take a chance. I don't see it, I really don't.  Maybe I don't see it because I can put myself in front a crowd of hundreds and talk and joke, etc, and believe me I can talk, but I can talk about anyone but me. If it is me related it's the projects I am working on for work. But not me personally. My work is about everyone else and me wanting to make a difference for them. And I LOVE it, don't get me wrong. But honestly it's lonely. If you put me in a position where I have to talk about me, or some guy is checking me out and I should at least respond with a smile if interested... I don't, I crumble or am so zoned out that I don't allow myself to see they are even there. The idea of them "seeing" me, I think scares me.

So there it is. I am here now laying it out publicly and excited to take on this challenge/journey to finding me, while meeting others along the way. And sharing it, also because I am sure that there are others who can some how relate to me, at least here is hoping. At the very least, laugh at my journey through all this. lol

Next challenge, picking a good romantic movie, watching it, and putting myself out there. Whether I am borrowing my girlfriend's dog to go to the dog park and interact with someone that way, i.e. "Must Love Dogs", or pinching some guys butt at a bar, i.e. "The Sweetest Thing", that one I am joking about. So be it!

Join in on this challenge for yourself, or if you are looking for someone, or both. Please comment/share any movies I should challenge myself with.