How many times have you seen a pretty girl or guy and just smiled and looked/walked away, only to leave you thinking “I should have said something” afterwards?
All too often I'm a block or two away after the moment and I come up with the perfect scenario to have just said something. Something witty or simple… anything to literally just have the balls to do it. The art of picking up, I seriously suck at. I even have scenarios with people I know or just met but in conversation with but don't know where to take the conversation from nervousness I guess. And then the moment is lost and I didn't say anything.
This video a friend shared with me makes you think about all the moments you shouldn’t waste by feeling nervous, scared, or whatever it is.
Are the signs there and have you missed or almost missed them?
At times I feel like maybe the sign was there and I looked away shyly too quickly and to them my reaction could come across as possible rejection. I am also told that I can be very intimidating, which I find interesting cause I'll be honest and admit to how shy I actually am in ways. Especially when it comes to guys. I'm an idiot in that "obvious" department. lol Also, the hopeless romantic in me thinks if we are meant to meet they will just make the move. After all I am seeking someone with confidence (not cockiness) for someone I would want to be with. Someone with the strength to boldly take chances, yes act on those romantic impulses sometimes and also see me as worth the risk to just try, even if it’s just simply asking how my day is, make me laugh, really just make me feel comfortable. Because I will admit I am one who needs the ice to be broken for me first when it comes to guys. In career mode... I am the complete opposite, go figure. After that ice is broken though… look out. Ha ha
Does those bold gestures of between strangers still exist? I’d love to hear you stories.