I always tell guys to put themselves out there and just ask
the girl. I like that old school romantic moment, when the guy asks a girl out.
But why shouldn’t girls do the same? So, as much as I try to avoid asking
someone, one must adapt to the times. It is a new age and girls should be just
as forward as guys when they have an interest in someone.
So this situation felt a bit awkward; it was at a kids
birthday party, one of those where the parents stay and hang out.
So when I arrived, my son takes off to play with his friend.
We were at Riley Park (those who are not from here, it’s one of those open
landscaped areas that has room to setup for BBQs, a playground, and a wading
pool.). I started to chat with the birthday boy’s parents, held their baby for
a bit, and met some of the other parents.
One parent looked familiar; let’s call him Tom. While I chatted with the
birthday boy’s dad, Tom walked up. Just before the dad had a chance to
introduce him, I spoke, “You look really familiar”. He said the same. Turns out
he runs a restaurant, and is connected to some other people I know. So
somewhere we probably had met but had never really chatted. However, we began a
We exchanged stories about what he does, and what I do.
Interestingly enough, our conversation ended up lasting the entire 3.5 hours we
were there. We talked about everything. He actually surprised me with how much
we had in common. During our conversation, I did ask, which one is yours (meaning
child). And it turns out, none of them. He was the birthday boy’s dad’s best
friend. A single good looking guy, no kids, driven, artistic, polite, and he
has a good job … at a kid’s birthday party?! One meets people in the strangest
places and when you are really not looking.
One of those common factors between us is that we both
haven’t been in a relationship for some time (like years) because we are both
so busy with our careers. But you never know, right? If one is worth it, you
make the effort.
So it was time to go and I was trying to round up my child.
We were saying our goodbyes and in my head I was asking myself, is it even
appropriate to ask this guy out at a kid’s party? I will be honest, I have no
idea how to pick up someone in the first place. So I didn’t ask … but, I did
pull out my card and said, “Well, here is my number. And we’ll see you again
sometime,” and nervously turned to my kid and said, “Okay guys, see you later.”
No chance for any response really; I just walked away.
It was that "Here's my number, Call Me Maybe" Carley Rae Jepsen hopeful moment.
Did I leave that too open? I think he may have been
interested. Especially how engaged in our conversation he had been. 3.5 hours
is a long time to be engaged in conversation with only one person, when their
best friend is right there too. He could have easily spent his day off with their
family, not me.
At this point, I will disappoint … I didn’t hear from him.
So C’est La Vie! Being the one to put myself out there was hard enough, and I
am proud that I did. I consider it a lesson for the future.
Have you ever put yourself out there? How did you feel? Or
are you on the other side, you took someone’s number after a long engaged
conversation, and then you never followed up. What were your reasons? Not
interested? Or time just passed ? I am always interested to hear the other side
of the situation.